Sunday, November 20, 2005

In a week

It has been one week since I wrote anything here. In that time, our bird Sunny died. We had her for a mere five days. The breeder reckoned that she was not drinking enough. But why? Was she stressed out over the change in her environment? Did we hold her too much? What? Hayden was so upset, she cried a lot. The bird was buried in the backyard and Hayden added a photo of herself in the bird's coffin. It was tough.

I have completed a lot of work this past week, both at work and at school. The semester is coming to an end, four more weeks and it will be over. And the holidays are coming...ahhhh the holidays. I was just commenting to my husband that I wish I could do what I want on my holidays rather than have to schlepp all over the metro area to eat meals with various family members. Maybe next year we will host Thanksgiving and require that everyone come in their pajamas so that we can stay inours all day. I look forward to a time when we can take trips during the holidays, when our tradition becomes vacation on the holidays. Christmas in Costa Rica, Thanksgiving in Switzerland. That sort of thing.

And finally, last night I went to the U2 show in Atlanta. Cameras were allowed so I took my telefoto lens along and got some pretty good pictures. You can find the album if you go to the link over in the sidebar called "Smoov's pictures". The show was absolutely fantastic. They played MLK, which was a surprise, and Bono mentioned that some of MLK's family was in the audience. They sang happy birthday to Ted Turner. They played so many great songs, it was the highlight of my month!


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