Thursday, May 25, 2006

Another reason to hate Wal-Mart (as if I really needed one)

Tonight I caved to the beckoning, convenient call of the huge Wal-Mart monstrosity that is near my house. I needed some stuff and I didn't have a lot of time before the vodka would be all gone, thus I sucked it up and went to Wal-Mart.

And of course, they didn't have any recycled paper towels on offer there, at all. Not any. And of course, they had one lane open and 4,271 customers in line. And all the little kids were throwing tantrums and crying.

Sweet Jesus, please deliver me.

All that you leave behind

What is it going to be? Will your time on earth count? What will you look back on when you are old and in a holding pattern? Will you live long enough to be old? Do you even think about that? What will people remember about you? Will people come to your wake? What will they say...those who knew you, what will they tell your children? What impact are you going to have? Who will remember you when you are gone?

"We enter the world with a pure, unaffected point of view. As such, we perceive it with unadulterated clarity, but we lack the understanding to appreciate what we see.

With experience comes this understanding, but at what price? We lose the clarity of perception we were born with.

As understanding increases, though, we realize this. And then we become whole. Only through innocence can we become experienced. Only through experience can we appreciate innocence."

Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Organizations of note


What is ONE?

ONE is a new effort by Americans to rally Americans – ONE by ONE – to fight the emergency of global AIDS and extreme poverty. ONE is students and ministers, punk rockers and NASCAR moms, Americans of all beliefs and every walk of life, united as ONE to help make poverty history. ONE believes that allocating an additional ONE percent of the U.S. budget toward providing basic needs like health, education, clean water and food would transform the futures and hopes of an entire generation in the world's poorest countries. ONE also calls for debt cancellation, trade reform and anti–corruption measures in a comprehensive package to help Africa and the poorest nations beat AIDS and extreme poverty.

What does ONE aim to do/change?

ONE aims to help Americans raise their voice as ONE against the emergency of AIDS and extreme poverty, so that decision makers will do more to save millions of lives in the poorest countries.

Amnesty International USA

About Amnesty International

Founded in London in 1961, Amnesty International is a Nobel Prize-winning grassroots activist organization with over 1.8 million members worldwide. Amnesty International undertakes research and action focused on preventing and ending grave abuses of the rights to physical and mental integrity, freedom of conscience and expression, and freedom from discrimination, within the context of its work to promote all human rights. Amnesty International USA (AIUSA) is the U.S. Section of Amnesty International

About Human Rights

Human rights are the basic freedoms and protections that people are entitled to simply because they are human beings.

Human Rights are Universal
They belong to everyone, regardless of their race, sexuality, citizenship, gender, nationality, ethnicity, or abilities.
Human Rights are Inherent
We are all born with human rights. They belong to people simply because they are human beings.
Human Rights are Inalienable
They cannot be taken away – period. No person, corporation, organization, or even government can deprive another person of his or her rights.
Human Rights can be Violated
Although they are inalienable, they are not invulnerable. Violations can stop people from enjoying their rights, but they do not stop the rights from existing.
Human Rights are Essential
They are essential for freedom, justice, and peace.

Learn about the Universal Declaration of Human Rights

Oxfam America

Oxfam America is a non-profit organization that works to end global poverty through saving lives, strengthening communities, and campaigning for change. We are an affiliate of Oxfam International.


Since 1947, the U.S. Fund for UNICEF has supported the work of the United Nations Children's Fund by raising support for its programs and increasing public awareness of the challenges facing the world's children. As the oldest of 37 national committees for UNICEF worldwide, the U.S. Fund is part of a global effort to advance humanity with health, education, equality and protection for every child.

UNICEF's lifesaving programs are funded entirely by voluntary contributions. Staff and volunteers at the U.S. Fund raise money for those programs through donations, sales of UNICEF greeting cards and gifts, joint projects with non-governmental and corporate partners, and youth action campaigns such as Trick-or-Treat for UNICEF.

We keep the public informed about children's issues in developing nations and urge Congress to back legislation that puts kids first. We visit schools and campuses, talking about UNICEF and creating educational materials for teachers.

U.S. Fund for UNICEF donors improve children's daily lives in the 155 countries and territories where UNICEF works — not just with food, water and medicine but with safety, peace and hope. And we're proud of the way we manage our finances. Last year, the U.S. Fund spent only 7 percent of our budget on administrative and fundraising expenses, with 93 percent of contributions supporting efforts to help kids.

Tuesday, May 23, 2006


Today I was talking with a friend via emails exchanged when we were both suppose to be working. We talked about how we felt idle in a world where there was so much to be done. We talked about starting a ONE group somewhere locally, perhaps on the campus of the univeristy I attend. We talked about how we felt so blessed and lucky to have what we have and simultaneously felt paralyzed by the overwhelming sadness, violence, corruption, and general abuse of our fellow mankind that we were stumped as to what to do.

I feel so very small in the world. I feel like I should do something, but I don't even know where to begin. Maybe the Amnesty International table at the upcoming Dave Matthews Band show?

Tuesday, May 16, 2006


Sometimes you are really anxious and worried when your 3.5 yr old sons start a new preschool. Sometimes you hang around the classroom for 45 minutes when you drop them off on the first day. Sometimes you talk the new teacher's ear off and tell her all about your extraordinary children. Sometimes your son will bring a toy clock to you and move the hands and then tell you it is time for you to go to work. And sometimes, the other son will push you, literally, out the classroom door and tell you in a concerned voice that you need to go because you are going to be late for work. And sometimes you smile all the way to work because you have managed, with the help of your rockin' husband and the grace of God Himself, to raise two independent, self-secure, well-adjusted, happy little boys. Despite your own neurotic behavior. And sometimes you thank God for all He has blessed you with.

Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Things heard recently

Tristan to my husband: Daddy, I want to be just like you when I grow up.

When asked about how the day at Stone Mountain was:
Jonas: I had a great time!
Tristan: I had a tired time.

Monday, May 08, 2006

Happy Birthday

My 33rd birthday was last Saturday, May the 6th. I took the entire weekend off from work and crammed it full of fun instead. That was my birthday party.

Friday I took my sons to the Atlanta Zoo and Friday night I went to dinner with good friends and my husband at a local place where we always have some interesting encounter with someone. This time it was a man from Denmark.

Saturday we participated in the neighborhood yard sale, which I will never, ever do again. It pained me so to see people attempting to negotiate the price on a pair of jeans from the Gap that were worn once and were only marked at $1.00. Get bent you cheap bastards. Saturday night we took the kids and one of Hayden’s friends to Stone Mountain Park where we rode a train, a steam boat, and a sky lift and walked around the top of the mountain. Then we had dinner on the lawn and watched the Laser Show on the side of the mountain.

Sunday I took Hayden and her friend to see “Akeelah and the Bee”. Very good movie, it turned out to be inspiring for the girls and they got out the dictionary and spelled words together. We went to the mall where they shopped for books (love that) and I bought a truck load of sheet sets from the clearance shelf at Sears. Good for me as I am not usually a bargain shopper. I prefer to buy my stuff and get the hell out. Sunday night we went to visit my mom and dad at their new house. They just moved this weekend and while they are really happy and I am happy that they are happy, I think it sucks because they are now 55 miles away and I will most likely not see them very much. And that makes me sad. Anyway, my parents and brother and his family and my family all went out to eat. It was nice to have a whole weekend to do that kind of stuff. Working every weekend sucks ass and I am sick of it.

Pictures of my birthday weekend to follow.